01 B 04 A: Where did you find that case? I've been looking all over for it. B: Well, when __________ the corner there it was, right out the open. (A) rounded (B) we rounded (C) rounding (D) to round 02 A 04 A: This is a very popular place, isn't it? B: Yes, it is. ____________ been coming here for years. (A) Tourists have (B) Have (C) Tourists has (D) Are 03 A 04 A: Why is everyone so upset? B: _________ just issued a proposal that could have a devastating effect on some landmark districts. (A) Government has (B) Has (C) Government (D) Have 04 A 04 A: So, what did you discover in your survey? B: __________more novels in the summer than they do during the school year. (A) Students read (B) Read (C) Reading (D) Reads 05 C 04 A: Has this river always been so polluted? B: No, of course not. Captain John Smith found the Potomac River sparkling clean and full of fish when __________ upriver to what is now Washington, D.C. (A) sailed (B) sailing (C) he sailed (D) sails 06 A 04 A: That was a beautiful phrase. Could you read it again? B: Sure. " __________ up the steps that curved around the sides of the garden wall topped by clusters of climbing roses." (A) He moved (B) Moved (C) Moving (D) Moves 07 B 04 A: Why don't we go to the mountains this weekend? B: ________ gets too cold in the fall. (A) He (B) It (C) They (D) We 08 A 04 A: What a stange message. Why would he say that? B: Given the circumstances, __________ doesn't seem strange that the caller would have left us this message. (A) it (B) we (C) he (D) she 09 D 05 A: What's so special about this book? B: I don't know, but __________ was kept a secret for many years. (A) it (B) he (C) they (D) O 10 A 05 A: Tell me what you think about the computers. B: The computer__________ created startling technological changes in the way we organize information. (A) has (B) it has (C) have (D) they have 11 B 05 A: Here's another story about the campaign. B: This campaign __________ been fodder for too many news stories. (A) it has (B) has (C) have (D) is 12 A 05 A: How's the deal coming along? B: The contracts _______________ signed early this morning. (A) were (B) they were (C) it was (D) was 13 D 05 A: How do you like the new tools? B: They have given us a precision that until recently __________ only a tantalizing dream. (A) it was (B) were (C) they were (D) was 14 A 05 A: I don't understand this dance at all. B: It's simple. The square dance __________ merely the act of going round and round in a circle of dancers made up of four couples. (A) is (B) it is (C) are (D) they are 15 D 05 A: Is that the Alexandria? I hardly recognized it. That's not what it looks like in history books. B: __________ been refitted for passengers. (A) It has (B) It was (C) It had (D) Has 16 B 05 A: I hate studying ecomonics. B: You're not the only one. Economics __________ caused alot of college students problems. (A) it has (B) has (C) it has (B) have 17 D 05 A: What did you think of Los Angeles. B: I was suprised that the buildings __________ so large. (A) it was (B) it were (C) they were (D) were 18 B 05 A: Can you name one invention from the 19th century that is still being used? B: The typewriter, which __________ one of the world's great inventions, has not been replaced by the word processor. (A) it is (B) is (C) it were (D) they are 49 19 A 06 A: That boy is so restless ! B: Yes, but 'that __________' is thought to be one of the most gifted children in the class. (A) boy (B) boys (C) children (D) students 20 C 06 A: The advent of low cost, high-speed data processing facilities is threatening to terminate jobs. B: Yes, but it __________ provided school administrators with resources not available a few years ago. (A) have (B) is (C) has (D) are 21 B 06 A: I always feel so good near a waterfall. B: That's because the splashing water from waterfalls __________ a negative charge in the atmosphere which causes a feeling of well-being. (A) produce (B) produces (C) producing (D) production 22 C 06 A: What exaclty does the new law do for us? B: It __________ against tax abuse by small corporations. (A) safeguard (B) safeguarding (C) safeguards (D) is safeguarding 23 B 06 A: What did Profesor Jones just say? B: That we __________ no business in the lab after class and should never use it to study. (A) has (B) have (C) is (D) are 24 B 06 A: Are banks willing to extend loans in these troubled times? B: Well, the banks in economically depressed areas __________ demonstrated their reluctance to extend the loans of borrowers who have not met their monthly payments. (A) has (B) have (C) do (D) are 25 D 06 A: What does the appearance of fresh molten rock on a volcano's lava dome indicate? B: That eruptions of new lava flow __________ imminent. (A) is (B) have been (C) had been (D) are 26 C 06 A: What is that article you're reading about? B: It's about how medical researchers discovered a way in which the nervous systems of primates __________ to communicate with their immune systems. (A) appears (B) appearing (C) appear (D) had appeared 27 C 06 A: Why is there so much fuss over arms control? B: Because all of mankind __________ under the shadow of nuclear war. (A) live (B) lived (C) lives (D) living 28 D 06 A: This is an excellent idea. B: We hope it will bring to the financial and moral support we __________. (A) deserves (B) deserved (C) deserving (D) deserve 29 B 06 A: Did the courier company ever find the package you sent? B: Yes, they did. It __________ sent to my parents. I must have put their address on it by mistake. (A) were (B) was (C) did (D) is 30 A 06 A: The monuments in Washington don't seem to have any single theme, do they? B: That's because they __________ built over several years. (A) were (B) was (C) had been (D) are 31 D 06 A: It seems that there were no clear-cut sides in the Civil War. B: That's true, unless the local stories which tend to propagate partition __________ considered. (A) do (B) is (C) have (D) are 32 A 06 A: Why can't I choose my major right now? B: The counselors __________it is unwise for you to select a major before you experience different academic subjects. (A) feel (B) feels (C) feeling (D) fall 33 D 06 A: Telling ghost stories is one of grandma's favorite hobbies. B: Yeah, and when she begins to whisper, it __________ chills up and down my spine. (A) send (B) sending (C) is sending (D) sends 34 D 06 A: If you like, I can lend you "Shogun". B: I _________ already read that book. Don't you have another? recent years. (A) has (B) are (C) did (D) have 35 B 06 A: The camel sure doesn't look like it moves very fast. B: That's because it shuffles its feet and __________ its head. (A) nod (B) nods (C) nodding (D) nodded 36 D 06 The pedestrian passing the construction site fell in the hole where the crew has been working to replace the cover that __________ the spot. (A) protect (B) protecting (C) do protect (D) protects 37 D 06 A: Violence has increased at recent soccer matches. B: City officials will have to reevaluate security measures which __________ been ineffectual. (A) has (B) are (C) did (D) have 38 B 06 A: None of the opposition parties is supporting a candidate. B: That means the political power at stake in the upcoming elections __________ small. (A) are (B) is (C) be (D) doing